Wednesday, November 12, 2008

ASAP not happy with Div. of Parole's cuts to drug treatment

Substance abuse treatment services are cheaper than incarceration. Multiple studies have shown this. Not only are they cheaper, but they are more effective in increasing social functioning of offenders, and improving the lives of their families and communities. Further, it is more likely that people in substance abuse treatment will gain or keep employment as a result of their treatment and pay taxes. So why put drug abusers in prison?

Because in the short run it appears cheaper than treatment even though in the long run it is extremely more expensive, and it is a knee jerk reaction to tightening budgets in hard times.

Well, John Coppola, the Executive Director of the New York State Association of Alcohol and Substance Abuse providers, of which GCASA is a member, is having none of it.

Here is an article which appeared in the Daily News on 11/07/08.

Click on article to enlarge for easier reading.

GCASA supports treatment on demand and treatment, where appropriate instead of incarceration. It makes sense for so many resons.

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