Monday, June 9, 2008

GCASA's Royal Employer Services

GCASA has an Employee Assistance Program called Royal Employer Services. It's largest contracts include the County government employees in Genesee, Orleans, and Wyoming counties as well as Genesee Community College and the ARCs of Orleans and Genesee Counties. Royal also has numerous commercial contracts with companies such as Chapin Manufacturing, Hodgins Engraving, Liberty Pumps, Orcon Industries, and PW Minor and Sons just to name a few.

Royal has excellent EAP counselors including John Bennett who also is the Royal Employer Services Director, Kathy Hodgins, Tammy Leach, Liz Riter, Norma Miller, and Kelly Carlie.

Today I recieved from Leslie Pfalzer, the EAP coordinator, the first issue of the EAP staff newsletter labled July 2008, Issue 1. It is very well done and informative. If you are a profesional counselor and would like to have a copy notify Leslie at 585-815-1820 or email her at

To learn more about Royal Employer Services click here.

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