Saturday, September 24, 2011

GCASA's budget down slightly for 2012 from 2011 at $4.3 million as compared to 4.5 million

Every year for the last several years GCASA, in spite of increasing productivity and good outcomes has experience a slow decline in support from the counties of Genesee, Orleans, United Way, health insurance reimbursement, Stop DWI funds, etc.

In 2012, the total agency budget is forecast to be $4,333,888.00 down from $4,502,363.00 in 2011, a change of 3.7%.

In 2010 GCASA's budget was $4,374,581, in 2009 $4,456,462.00 and in 2008

So GCASA's budget has stabilized around $4.4 million for the last 4 years. This is good agency performance in times of shrinking public and non-profit dollars. GCASA's stability is due to excellent management and exemplary productivity and performance by staff.

GCASA's outcomes and customer satisfaction exceed benchmarks with other similar agencies in New York State.

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