Sunday, March 8, 2009

Are You As Smart As A Substance Abuse Counselor? Prevention of transmission of infectious diseases

Question: Information about HIV and STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) is personal and confidential and should be managed in substance abuse services by:

A: Not bringing it up unless a question gets asked.

B: Should only be discussed in special groups where the nature of the topic is disclosed in advance.

C: Referral to a physician or other specially trained health care provider.

D: incorporating the information at an age appropriate level into regularly provided services in a matter of fact way.

For the correct answer please click on comments and while you're there leave a comment.

This is article #20 in a series on Are You Smarter Than a Substance Abuse Professional?

1 comment:

David G. Markham said...

The correct answer is D - incorporating the information at an age appropriate level into regularly provided services in a matter of fact way.

A major pathway for the transmission of the HIV virus is the injection of drugs with previously used needles.

Sexually activity while intoxicated with less well known partners and without condoms increases the risk of transmission of various STDs

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