Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Use of alcohol by kids in Genesee County significantly changed in 8 years

I am looking at the Prevention Needs Assessment Data and it is very interesting. I will be presenting it in a series of articles over the next couple of weeks.

GCASA administers what is called a Prevention Needs Assessment in all public schools in Genesee County between grades 6 and 12 every two years. The PNA is also administerd to Notre Dame High School. This data is collected every two years.

In 2000 51.9% of 11th graders in Genesee County reported that they had drank alcohol in the previous 30 days.

In 2002, the rate dropped to 49.2%,
in 2004, to 46%,
in 2006, 40.9%,
and in 2008, 38.2%.

In 8 years that is a drop from 51.9% of kids to 38.2%.

How do you account for the change?

This is article #1 in a series on Prevention Statistics.

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