In 2007, approximately 258,000 unique individuals were served in OASAS certified programs with the largest number, 164,818 served in outpatient programs while the rest were served in crisis, Methadone, Inpatient and Residential programs.
Here is a graph which depicts the numbers in a graph.
Click on image to enlarge for easier reading.
In 2007, GCASA had 1,057 unique individuals admitted to its outpatient services in addition to clients already being served. In 2007 at GCASA outpatient clinics and satellites served 2,236 unique people with 27,436 treatment visits.
In addition, in 2007 GCASA admitted 102 people to its Atwater and Supportive Living Programs and provided over 14,000 bed days.
GCASA is very efficient and effective in its operation achieving good outcomes, cost efficiently, with good customer satisfaction. GCASA is proud to be a part of the New York State Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse system of care.
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