GCASA will be represented at the 19th annual CADCA National Leadership Forum in Washington, DC from February 9 -12, 2009.
GCASA staff attending will be Maryann Bowman, Tom Talbot, Danielle Brinkman, Jennifer Zambito, Pat Crowley, and Carol Nicometo.
Maryann Bowman will be making a presentation.
GCASA was the CADCA Got Outcomes National Award Winner in 2006.
Here is a snippet from the CADCA web site:
Join us on February 9-12, 2009 for CADCA’s National Leadership Forum XIX, the nation’s largest training event for community prevention leaders, treatment professionals and researchers! We’ve designed an exciting program for 2009, with more than 100 results-driven workshops, plenary sessions and special events. This year, we’re at a new location, Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center, right on the banks of the Potomac River and just 15 minutes from downtown Washington, DC.
It is interesting how GCASA has become known at the National level of it high quality prevention work.
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