Monday, February 23, 2009

Drugs kill - 760 pepple in Washington State died from drug overdoses in 2007

On February 19, 2009, news reported the following in part:

In 2007, more than 760 people died in Washington state from overdoses. That includes 16-year-old Danielle McCarthy from Puyallup, who died after taking Ecstacy. The other teens she was with claimed they were too scared to get her help until it was too late.

Stories like McCarthy’s have prompted lawmakers to push for the passage of a bill to give legal immunity to anyone who calls 911 when witnessing a drug overdose.

To read the rest of the story click here.

This is article #4 in a series on Drugs Kill.

1 comment:

John Bennett said...

The practice of waiting until it is too late is often the story line for teenagers. In our own community we had a well meaning teenager(sober) who drove to a party to pick up a friend. This teen had not been at the party, nor had she been drinking. When she arrived at the party, another friend (intoxicated) came out to her vehicle to say Hello. The driver accidently drove over her friend as he fell and was under the vehicle as she backed out. The driver reported she did not know she hit anything and drove away. The other kids at the party including the sister of the teen hit bought him inside and gave him asrpin and had him rest on the couch for several hours. Later they reported they were scared to call someone. By the time the parents came home, the teen's injuries had progressed and the teen eventually died at the hospital. Of note, is that the driver, who was not at the party, became the scapegoat for this tragedy.